Skilled Labor | Labor for Hire

When you run a business, there is one truth that becomes crystal clear right away: it can be difficult to find, attract, and retain skilled labor. Given the so-called “war for talent,” people with the skills, training, and experience necessary to get the job done are incredibly in demand. The best way to get them — and keep them — is to treat them well. Here’s what we mean by “well.”


  • Compensate them appropriately. Job satisfaction starts with appropriate compensation for the level of skill and experience. People can’t take pride in their work, think about their future, or become fully engaged unless they are making enough money to support their families and meet other financial obligations. Start here. Decent hourly wages and benefits go a long way.


  • Focus on advancement and training. That said, money isn’t everything. One of the biggest factors in job satisfaction is the opportunity to receive education and training, thus opening the door to career advancement. Help your people master their crafts; it’s a wise investment that yields great returns.


Even among your temporary labor, you can provide chances for development. For example, allowing someone greater autonomy after they’ve proven themselves capable and trustworthy is one type of growth opportunity. And you will become known as an “employer of choice.”


  • Ensure their safety. This is fundamental. Take every step necessary to ensure the safety of your skilled labor force, from clearing away trip-and-fall hazards and debris to ensuring they have the appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) for your industry. Develop effective trainings, and hold everyone — yourself included! — accountable for following safety rules and regulations. Again, employers of choice take care of their people first and foremost.


Taking these steps, and others, will help you keep your best people. When you do experience gaps or shortages, however, make sure to contact Labor for Hire. We’re here to provide qualified skilled professionals that drive your business forward.